I dropped off the virtual planet for a while - well, not all of it, but the blogging and the running of a website for sure. Life has a way of taking over, I guess, and the third child kind of did me in for a while. When I got back, I found that the blog I had been faithful to for such a long time was completely gone...apparently, with the demise of the site where it had been hosted. There was so much there that I'm very sorry to have lost - anecdotes about the kids, birth stories, photos...sigh. But in the greater scheme of things - oh, well! Can't save everything, can we?
I'm at the point in my life where I'm approaching a milestone birthday and still trying to figure out how to do what I want to do in life, now that I'm in a place where I can't afford the time or funds to finish up the schooling I need for it. I'm also in a very anxious place in Real Life. But I'm now also in a spot where spending a few hours a month working on scrapbooking the most precious bits of my life has more meaning (and more value - as happiness therapy!) than ever. So here I am again! I'm doing digi scrapping almost exclusively now, because the overwhelming quantity of scrapbooking Stuff and Scraps almost did me in last time. I'm very happy to contain any disorganization (and all of my supplies) to the laptop and a new online backup service. (Note to anyone who may be reading this - don't back up with Mozy. I did, and was not able to recover my files. Now I'm with Carbonite..good luck to me if I ever need it, and may I not!)
I picked up a couple of Creative Team positions pretty much as soon as I got back into the game - after all, the only thing nicer for digiscrapping than a gorgeous kit with which to work is a free gorgeous with which kit to work! So you'll be seeing my favorite layouts for Vicki Eggins of Dana's Footprint Designs (hosted at www.digiridooscraps.com), as well as for the designers of Skraphappens.com. A BIG thanks to my online scrappy friend Dee Bibb, whom I think I might have known from the late, great Scrap Friends site - whose Facebook post about the new Skraphappens site formation was my springboard back into scrapbooking. I owe you big, Dee!!
Oh, and speaking of gorgeous kits and Skraphappens - the image at the top of this post was created using Little Girl Blues by Chunlin Designs over at Skraphappens.
Happy sleepless Tuesday early-morning! I'm so, so happy to be back!
Great new beginnings for your blog and for sKrap Happens! You are so right....we did first "meet" at the old Scrap Friends site....boy that seems like such a long time ago!
Keep bringing on those fabulous layouts...I never get tired of seeing them!
Lovely blog my friend!
I found you and love your page. Nice to learn a little more about you. I haven't got brave enough yet to blog - maybe someday - right now I'll just enjoy everyone elses.
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